

pineridge-2 Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota, circa 2009 (Photo: Matthew Williams)

My post on Native Americans rewritten using only words from Shakespeare’s time:

Americans are those people who have been living in America for the past 15,000 years.

What follows is about those who live in the part of America that now (in 2016) is known as the United States (US). It is directly west across the ocean from Spain and north-western Africa. Today only one person in a hundred in the US is American.

From a world map, 1595. From a world map, 1595.


Land: Taken by the English between 1607 and 1890, by murder, war, disease, broken treaty and so on. Some Americans were made to leave their land, like in the Long Walks and the Trails of Tears.

Reservations are the bits of land Americans have left. They are controlled by the US government, which favours, say, mining companies over Americans.


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